Word Medicine

Writing and Healing: exploring the art of healing and the healing of art

About November 24, 2008

Word Medicine is dedicated to observations about the process of using writing and story and poetry in the service of healing.  Here you will find reports from my own “laboratory”–the workshops I facilitate, as well as my own writing process, and my struggle with chronic illness.  The blog is meant to be a forum, a place where those engaged in this work can come to compare notes and struggles, as well as a resource.  I look forward to a rich and interactive site!


5 Responses to “About”

  1. Ananda Leeke Says:

    Hi. I love your blog. I work as an artist-in-residence for Smith Farm Center for Healing and the Arts at Howard University Hospital in Washington, DC. I use writing in my work.


  2. Beth Ferris Says:

    Dearest Sara, I am so happy you are doing this lovely blog!! I want to respond in depth, but it is late…and you know about CFIDS. Please let me know how you are doing. Lots of love, beth Ferris


  3. Hi Sara,

    It took my awhile to find your website but I’m enjoying reading my way through it. You write beautifully.

    I put down my blog in the website spot. When I first moved to Athens I was a little bit adrift and used that place to work my way into my new home.

    I also have a blog where I post my artwork. (http://artbyvirginiamclaren.blogspot.com) That is part of a bigger project which I hope will soon contain many more of my prints and connect to my etsy site through tidy links.

    Thanks for sharing your blog with me.

    See you soon,



  4. Janet Geddis Says:

    Hi there! It’s Janet from Avid Bookshop. I’ve just found your blog (after you commented on my bookstore blog) and am fortunate to have found a local fellow chronic illness blogger!


  5. Omar Baig Says:


    I think you have a great website and appreciate you sharing your knowledge and experiences with others.

    I wanted to invite you to join Premed Network:


    The vision for PremedNetwork.com is to build a community for professional networking, collaborating, and learning for premeds. Members from Universities throughout the US have joined, including premed students from Harvard, Stanford, and others.

    We have some amazing people in the community: physicians, medical students, advisors, and premeds from all over the country. The collective wisdom is incredible.

    Hope to see you there!



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